The Necrophile Hummingbird netlabel presents Music To Burst In Tears by Yoshiwaku.
"PsychoActive Music For Experimental People"
In free download (mp3) here in Wav and Flac formats here
I was digging in my hard drive then I found this track of incredibly sad
music. If there was a contest like in Guy Maddin's "The saddest music
in the world" perhaps I should submit this track. To be clear, when you
listen it there is something inside which grab your soul, and it's
nearly impossible to listen the whole without to burst in tears. Maybe
if you have too much high expectations it will not work as well as with
me, feeling like digging my own grave and it will sound more for you
like a busker asking for a silver penny ? But you can believe me that if
there is real ASMR music, that's this really special kind of
psycho-active music.
Thus, the artwork is mainly this equation (money+oil=world's end) I
don't know from where come this sadness, but this could be the origin.
Or more generally that despite we know the reason most of the time we
are unable to avoid any cataclysm, instead it's like we try to dive
further into. This time in france it seems a lot of people realized
this, because nearly all are struggling to get rid of a dictator
apprentice, and would change this archaic system into something more
accurate to the present time needs. I hope we will able to do this
revolution and stick all together till find new ways to live and then to
save the world of the climate
Last but not least, this is the first part of the trilogy "Under the
ground, inside the flesh & over the sky" including, in second Häxan
Cult and in third Remembering The Comet. And this episode more than the others is very close of CorteX project so if you want find something really nearby try "Undone Ceremony here" it is
Dedicated to those who know how to mend the broken hopes with gold.
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